In compliance with the provisions of the RGPD, we inform you that your data will be treated in our files, with the purpose of maintaining and fulfilling the relationship with our entity, including sending communications in the context of the aforementioned relationship.
Likewise, your data will be transferred in all those cases where it is necessary for the development, fulfillment and control of the relation with our entity or in the assumptions in which it authorizes a norm with rank of law. In compliance with the RGPD you can exercise your rights ARCO ante AYUDADIVORCIO.ES, with direction in C/Ruperto Chávarri 23, 28224-Pozuelo de Alarcón, attaching a photocopy of your DNI.
The content of this communication, as well as all the accompanying documents, is subject to secrecy and is addressed only to the addressee. In the event that you were not the recipient, we ask that directed us and does not communicate its content to third parties, proceeding to their destruction.
The Information Society service provider should take into account that, in addition to the information it provides to the service recipients through its «Privacy policy», it shall have additional legal texts relating to other Mandatory compliance, such as, without limitation or exclusion, general conditions of recruitment, intellectual and industrial property, conditions of use of the website and responsibilities, or what the law itself 34 /2002, of 11 July, on services of the Information society and electronic commerce may establish in any other precepts outside its article 10 or even complete the information which, in relation to it, is necessary.